
Thursday, 11 June 2015

The Three Most Essential Skills that Guarantee You Employment Success

Success in your job search doesn’t depend on your qualifications or your well written CVs only. There are three skills you must know about.

Relevant academic (and professional) qualifications and well crafted CVs are essential for success in job search and employment opportunities. This isn’t for the job market in Nigeria only. It’s true everywhere in the world!

But there are skills that are more powerful than the two parameters when it comes to fruitful job search, employment opportunities and career progression. Academic qualifications and impressive resume are mere forces of attention – you only succeed in winning the attention of hiring managers.

As a serious and ambitious job seeker, you need to move beyond that.
They are three skills. But you may not (you need not) possess all of them. If you do have the three skills, I’m 95% certain that you won’t be reading this because you’ll be too busy. Guys in this category – very few, are hotcakes in the job market.

So, I assume you’re like me. You’re not gifted with all the three but you have at least one of them. And you need a good and lucrative job! Or you want a raise in your pay? Or, even possibly, a promotion!
Whichever way it goes, you can’t afford not to have at least one of the three skills. Otherwise, you can as well kiss a successful job search goodbye. Or be content to keep the watch where you’re now for God-knows-when.
OK. Let’s cut out further side talks.

These are the three indispensable skills that will always guarantee you success in your job search efforts. Oh! Did I forget to say that they also up your chances of speedy promotion in your current job? They do.

• People Skills

Why does this top my list? Because that’s where it truly belongs in a normal order! Your success in making hiring managers and employers like you largely depends on how adept you are at relating with people – starting with how you’re able to get them trip for you during interviews.

It’s a chain of skills. Any employer will be more than willing to give the job to you if you demonstrate a dazzling mix of marketing-emotions management-team support-negotiation skill.
Quite a long chain! I agree with you. But your chances of securing employment and career progression are equally limitless (yes, I mean limitless).

After all, most jobs involve relating with people.

• Design Skills

What has design got to do with jobs and employment?

If you’re thinking creative arts or fine arts designs, you’re right – it’s out of place. But design skills in the current context are not that. What I mean is: your problem solving and tech skills are a killer punch for all employers.

Aren’t businesses formed to solve problems? Of course, they won’t exist without problems to solve. And is the world not going digital by the second? That’s rather stale news!

Then, you have to belong. You want a job – a good job. Good jobs solve big problems. Only those with problem-solving skills are indispensable. Period!

This is often tested through creative employment tests and tricky interview questions.

• Intrapreneurship Skills

My laptop draws a red squiggly under the word ‘intrapreneurship’. It’s right. You won’t find it in any dictionary (or would you?).

These skills are closely related to design skills. Only that in this case, you may not provide solutions. But you’re good at thinking up business opportunities for your employers. Just like you, employers don’t fancy putting all their eggs in one basket.

If you can show a good sense of being able to suggest business ideas (at least some vague assumptions) I can bet on my lunch that your job searching days are over. And, of course, your career progression is divinely guaranteed.


I wish I could say more but I can’t keep your eyes glued to the screen for an eternity. But I’ve signed a pact to assist you in your job search and career progression drive.

So, why don’t you book an appointment with Sunday Obanubi today for more effective tips on a range of employment and career related issues like writing an effective CV, interview tips, job application tips and post interview feedback tips.

You can also send an email to or call 09051919262 for enquiries.

Thanks for reading. And do have a great day!

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