Friday, 21 April 2023

Rhegos CEO, Obanubi Preaches Love and Unity at Ramadan

The annual ramadan fast for all muslims worldwide has come to and end today with the celebration of Eld-il-Fitri.

Mr Sunday Obanubi, CEO of Rhegos Resources, a business consult firm based in Lagos charges all muslim faithfuls to abide by the values and ethics of the season. He says, "This Ramadan, keep loving sincerely as you have done in the last 30 days. Keep giving with sincere love not under compulsion. Keep praying wholeheartedly daily, it is not a seasonal rituals.

Keep fasting with purpose, believing it is the key to achieving your divine desires.

Keep being pure and wholy, acceptable to the most high daily and always.

May you receive the blessings of this season now and always"

No doubt there are practical values applicable to all our businesses this season and auch much be upheld even after the fast season.

Let ua be the true example of Allah to all mankind.

Happy Celebrations

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