I must confess that I know of very very few people who truly get me on my toes. I must confess that the world is really not a fair place to be as the rules to success are really, really not straight jacketed. I must also confess that the more you know, the less you find out that you really know.
Then I called him and requested for the material and I was aghast, he told me the world has left that stage many years ago. The material is a book on business planning which recommends DOCTOR as a system.
You may not understand this. Let me explain. DOCTOR is an acronym for:
D - Direction
O - Organisation
C - Cashflow
T - Tracking
O - Overall Evaluation
R - Refinement
I knew if I could use this system for my client who had not done business since she was out of school over four years now, it would be a good deal for us.
Alas! The world has moved beyond this! Wow, so what do I do.
Currently, business requires ten major aspects to succeed, else, you would fail in two weeks.
Have you got an idea, while working at setting it up, someone else, shows up with the same concept, template and even marketing strategy?
Have you dreamt and saw a vision, and someone else executing your vision and you are wondering, How Come?
* You have to constantly be on the move as the world is moving at a speed faster than the Jet.
* You have to constantly partner as networking is no more working this time around. It worked 10 years ago.
* You have to constantly be ready to pay the prize to greatness as NO reigning star today, miraculously got into limelight.
* You have to intentionally build your platform as no one would let you shine on his platform and allow you highjack it.
* You have to be your amplifier as no one want to amplify you but de-amplify you.
* You have to contantly be current, else, you would be living 20years ago today. Old-old School Lape!
I have to stop here, I have some clients to chase to credit my account.
*Jet Near Light Speed*
See you again!
Sunday Obanubi
Business Doctor @RhegosNG
Follow me @sundayobanubi
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