This young man in his early twenties is a graphics designer, a computer instructor at a computer training institute and a mathematics undergraduate at the National Open University (NOUN). This looks pretty good as a prospective IT guru in some years to come, as I intentionally engage his service in designs so he can become more proficient at what he does and make a little more income to what he is paid as to augment his daily living expenses.
Then I asked him, why accounting?
His response; because he teaches Sage Accounting amongst the several computer courses he teaches.
My question to him was, do you really like accounting, do you want to be an Accountant and he said No!, he wants to be a Computer Scientist!
Today, he is a footballer, tomorrow, an upcoming artiste, the next day, he is a photographer and then a dancer, later, he is learning cake making because he likes baking. An average teenager today has no clear cut understanding of his future. Anywhere looks like it.
If you are in this situation, try to follow these points below and do all things possible to find your future from within you and stay glued to it, there, you will succeed.
1. You are Unique from Others
You must understand your uniqueness from every other person around you. While in my SS3, all of my friends went for Electrical Electronics including two ladies, but I knew I am not cut out for anything electrical, I instead chose Mathematics, as I love solving Mathematics. Today I am glad and grateful to God as I apply that skill in what I do, solving problems for people.
2. Your Life is in your Hands
You can't delegate your life's decision to anyone. I can only tell you what I think about you, but the choice and consequence is yours. Do not wait or expect anyone to make life decisions for you. Your life is in your hands.
3. Don't Displease Yourself for Others
If you want to study what you are not comfortable with because your best friend is doing it or does same, you are gradually digging your own grave. If you are studying or working to become someone because your parents say so, when within you that is not what you want to do, it won't help you.
Do not displease yourself to please others.
Dearest, my admonition to you is, paint your future and stick to it. Do not run in different direction at the same time, you will end up getting no where.
You will Succeed,
Sunday Obanubi
For support or counselling.
You can reach me on 08168779399
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